Can't land Angular job?

Angular Space is here to fix it

There is one main problem at the moment.
It's hard to stand out!

[ I have a solution ]

There are literally hundreds CVs for a single position.
It's both a burden for devs and companies alike.

[ Solution? ]

As Angular Space Member.
You are going apply for exclusive job offers!

Only Members are going to be able to apply for Angular Space Job offers.

[ Not a lazy job board ]

- Every job offer is going to be vetted by me

- Company that is going to hire, is only going to take CVs from Angular Space Members!

- Offers are going to be time boxed, if there was no candidate found within Angular Space Members. Offer is going to go out the the wider market.

This grants you a lifetime opportunity to finally stand out if you match the requirements of the offer.

For now we are maxed out at 1000 Members.

Soon im going to gradually open for more

Sign up for waitlist here:

Last Update: March 20, 2024